

During my BA studies I was set the task to “redefine healthy ageing”. I revisited this topic in 2021 and created a Figma prototype for Wazewalker, an inclusive navigation app. 

How can Design empower a vulnerable person to leave their house for longer?

Having no previous knowledge or experience with this user group (my own grandparents having passed away a decade ago), I volunteered as a painting and drawing teacher at the Drovers Day Centre for the Elderly. Through fly-on-the-wall research, I learned that the range of wants and desires of this age group are vast, as are their capabilities. 

Research and Process:

I found a similarity between the range of physical ability in the group and digital ability. In the same way that my student Richard, (aged 74) enjoyed cycling in London, and Grace, (in her early 70’s) needed a frame to travel anywhere; some users had the latest smartphone while others relied on their partners to send emails and engage with technology. The key takeaway was that being above 70, did not mean being immobile or tech-illiterate.

Fear of injury and embarrassment when travelling alone can lead a vulnerable person of any age
to feel trapped in their own home.

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How could I use digital technologies to cater to a range of physical abilities?

My result was an app prototype called Wazewalker using the live map technology of driving app, Waze. It provides advance information regarding common ‘nasty surprises’ feared by my users, such as poor lighting and congestion. The app also includes a short quiz where the user can enlarge their font sizes, alerts and whether they would like to be directed towards ramps rather than stairways. 

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